Friday, June 04, 2010

I wonder…..if the grass is greener on the other side…

Standing on the grass on my married girlfriends' side of the fence, they would say they envy me because I’m single and I lead a carefree life. I can go wherever…travel the world (not that I travel that much), my money is my own (but I’m always broke, FYI), I don’t answer to no one (just my mum – sometimes), I don’t have to deal with mom-in-law from hell or deal with nosy extended family (thank God!), I have no curfew (hell yeah!), I can have my ME time whenever (but of course!), I don’t have to tolerate with another person’s bad habits, moodiness or nagging (phew!), I only have to wash and iron my own clothes (my sis would beg to differ ‘cos she washes my clothes!), I don’t have to fight over the remote (only with my nephews!), I can sleep all day if I want to (bliss!) and blah blah blah. The bottom line is to them I'm livin la vida loca! With no guilt, that is!

Standing on the grass on this side of the fence, I envy my married girlfriends because they have husbands and kids to come home to, never having to be alone, being with the men they love for the rest of their lives (err...God's willing), regular (if not better) sex, sharing expenses (or only the hub bears it!), having husbands to come to the rescue when their cars break down, buying the handbags/shoes they want without forking out their own savings (biatch!), husbands who listen (if only!) and give them a hug (if she's lucky!) when they have a lousy day at work, kids to take care of them when they are old and blah blah blah. Not many examples I could give there simply because I never (or haven't) stepped my foot on the grass that side. Du-uh! But to me, their life is complete! It may not be all perfect but it’s complete.

But, single or married, everyone has their personal problems/issues to deal with. Some may choose to vent their anger and frustration on Twitter or Facebook (nowadays!). Some may choose to bother the shit outta their close friends and share their problems. Some are living in fool’s paradise…going through life pretending that they are happy with the way their life is. And some are just content with the way things are. Lucky them!

Whatever it is no one is happy all the time. You’re abnormal if you are! We all know life has its ups and downs. There are good days, there are bad days. And things do not always happen the way we want it to be. We, humans, are never satisfied, aren’t we? Sometimes we like to blow things out of proportions. Sometimes we simply like to turn a nothing to become a something and then that something becomes an issue.

So when something becomes an issue…..we wonder. We wonder if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Is it really greener? Ever come across this quote? “If grass is greener on the other can bet the water bill is higher!”

Happy wondering, my dear friends!


Tuan Senang Besar said...

the green on the other side is the same colour. it requires more maintenance because more people seem to come into your yard (in this country, at least).
the grass on your side is yours alone. it becomes what you make of it ;)
it's just a fence that separate both sides.

sooz said...

Yes, green is green. But there are many tones of green. I totally agree with you, it becomes what you make of it. It's your yard and it's totally up to you whether to beautify or destroy it. I like your post on the same subject, btw! :)

Judge said...

I like both posts!! It speaks of the same subject but from a different perspective without being so contradicting... errr... does that make any sense? Whatever it is, its your views and i agree with both :-) That is how life is, the different tones of colors makes our lives more colrful rather than dull. And how you maintain the grass is the adventure in our we want it to be...sumthing like dat lah hehehe.

sooz said...

Yes, Judge. The different tones makes it colourful but there are some dull ones, indeed. So, what do we do with the dull ones? We sometimes pull it off and throw it away because it makes your yard ugly. Sometimes we just leave it alone and hope it dies and vanishes on its own. In both cases, it would leave an empty spot or a mark which would make your yard looks a bit 'retarded'. So, what do you do? You either plant a new one or you just put a flower pot to cover the spot. :)

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