Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I wonder…..if anyone’s waiting…

Raise your hand if you’re waiting for a new post in this humble blog of mine? Anyone? Calling one, calling two…..Oh well! Let me just pretend as if there are some people out there who eagerly wait for a new post from me.

Sorry for the long silence. Sent my laptop for repair and it took the service centre almost two weeks just to replace the fan and keyboard! And that cost me RM800!! But because the laptop doesn’t belong to me but it’s my company’s property, so I got my company to pay for the repair…but of course! Phew!

Wow! It’s been a month since we entered the 2nd half of 2010! How time flies…even when you are NOT having fun! Nah! The 1st half was not all that bad for me.

So, what have I achieved? What have I failed? What were the happy, sad or significant moments in the 1st half of 2010 for me? Lemme see…..

Well, I think I shall blog about in my next post. I gotta make sure everything is on track in the office as I’ll be going off for a much needed vacation tomorrow. Yippee Yay Yeay! I’ll be off to Bali for my annual ‘pilgrimage’! I promise…if I can’t be GOOD, I’ll be SAFE! :)

I wonder...if you would still wait for a new post from me. Well, 'till then….Daa!


Unknown said...

Write something about your trip pls....thanks! ;)

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