"I attract to my life whatever I give my energy, focus and attention to, whether wanted or unwanted”. For those who don’t know, that is - Law of Attraction. In simple words – like attracts like. Good thoughts and feelings attract what you want in life, bad ones attract what you don’t want in life. So, simply put, positive attracts positive. Negative attracts negative. Focus on abundance rather than on lack. Be an optimist, not pessimist. "We all have desires and the more strongly we believe in our desire and visualize it, the faster it will become a reality in our life." So, that’s Law of Attraction in a nutshell.
So, since I have no life and lately I’ve been spending most of my time staring at my own blog, reading each and every post over and over again and probably that might have contributed to the increase of hits for my blog (how pathetic!), I thought, why don’t I put the visuals of some of my ‘desires’ here and apply the Law of Attraction. Well, truth be told, I never read a single book on Law of Attraction and I never finished reading The Secret but I do know (so I think!) the basic principles of the Law of Attraction. So, just for the fun of it…I’ll just put the visual of one of my desires or dreams in my blog, I will stare at it and use the ‘unknown’ superpower that I may have in me, transmit the good vibe and…..Well! Who knows, right? Dreams do come true and miracle does happen...
Ok, here goes. It has to be a positive affirmation… “I have a nice car coming to me.”
Law of Attraction says “….abundance and not the lack of it.” Okay, this one, perhaps?
Oh wait! I should dream bigger dreams……I don't mind this one...
Nah! This one would do...
So greedy, eh? And I might have gotten the principles of Law of Attraction all wrong already. Oh well! Whatever! This is my dream. And it's okay to dream big. And as we all know, to realise a dream, it takes patience and perseverance.
I wonder…if I would ever own the car (any of it). Oh wait! That’s not a positive affirmation. Lemme rephrase it. The car is coming my way. One day! InsyaAllah! In the meantime, I shall appreciate the l'il old junk I have now as it can still take me from Point A to Point B.
I hope the universe reads my affirmation towards your desire. Cos I would wanna get a ride in one of those, either one, or maybe all, hey, lets just be optimistic. ;-)
Like my sister always tell my friends, "Doakan Kak Yong kaya, sebab kalau Kak Yong kaya, Abby pun kaya, dan korang pun boleh tumpang sama".
Yes, so ... bismillah.
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